Computer Peripherals & Accessories

$50 Computer Peripherals and Accessories Gift Certificate
Special Member Benefit-Free $50.00 Gift Certificate
Take advantage of this valuable member benefit, a $50.00 Gift Certificate valid towards the purchase of Computer Peripherals & Accessories through the Computer Peripherals & Accessories Discount Benefit located in this Benefit Section. Save money when ordering your favorite computer accessories. In addition to the benefit savings, this gift certificate can be used to get an additional $50.00 in FREE products. This is a real $50.00 Gift Certificate that is valid towards the purchase of the products you order. It can only be used by a valid member. Let Exclusive Computer Peripherals & Accessories save you money and get $50.00 in FREE products!

Redemption Instructions
Redeeming and using this valuable gift certificate is quite simple. First, you will need to redeem the member benefit titled Computer Peripherals & Accessories Discount Benefit that is conveniently located within this Benefit Section. You will receive a Color Catalog, order forms and simple to follow instructions that will allow you to place orders. In addition to the member savings for that benefit, you will also be able to use this gift certificate to save an additional $50.00 on your first order. You may use this gift certificate when placing your first order by simply printing this page and completing the form below by providing the requested information.

Benefit Terms & Conditions
   This gift certificate can be used when placing a minimum order of  $150.00 or more in Computer Peripherals & Accessories through our provider’s catalog. Limit one certificate may be redeemed per Membership Number. Offer void where prohibited by law. This certificate has no cash value and may be amended at the sole discretion of issuer.

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City______________________________________________   State____________________   Zip_________

Email Address _______________________________________

Phone no (          )____________________________________

Member Number _________________________________

Website Address of Your Member Fulfillment Website __________________________________________