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AVG Anti-Virus Software Discount Offer
You now have access to a diverse menu of affordable anti-virus software at savings of up to 40% from AVG, in addition to receiving $10 Savings Certificate that is only available to members as a Free Bonus Gift. SAVE UP TO 40% OFF ON ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE THAT WORKS!
AVG ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE DISCOUNT OFFER Upon redemption of this benefit, you will be sent an AVG Anti-Virus Software Discount Offer fulfillment package that will include a convenient and simple to use order form, product availability and descriptions and a $10 Savings Certificate valid on your first order.This benefit is included FREE of charge with your Club Membership, subject to a nominal .50¢ Shipping and Handling charge. Simply click on the button below to order your AVG Anti-Virus Software Discount Benefit. You may redeem this benefit only once per membership year. You will receive your fulfillment materials within 2-3 weeks.