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Babies: Signing Time
Signing Time- Help Your Baby Read! Our award-winning Signing Time DVDs will help you and your child learn basic American Sign Language (ASL) vocabulary words. Signing Time truly makes learning sign language easy, entertaining and fun for children of all ages. The format of Signing Time includes an adult (Rachel Coleman, co-creator) to model each sign, supported by footage of Alex and Leah (real kids, cousins in real life, Leah is deaf and Alex can hear, and Leah is Rachel\'s daughter), as well as footage of children and families demonstrating each sign in the proper context. Two to four thematic songs are sprinkled throughout each volume to help bring together all that you\'ve learned. The recommended ages for Signing Time are ages 1-8, although all ages love it and find it a fun and easy way to learn basic ASL signs. (If we can make it simple enough for small children to learn, older children and adults will learn in a snap!) Each DVD is approximately 30 minutes long plus approximately 15 minutes of bonus material and special features such as interviews, bloopers, sign variations, and behind-the-scenes segments. All products are close-captioned and also contain English subtitles as an optional backup for captioning.
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