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Clothing and Accessories: Lee Jeans
Lee Jeans is the leading maker of quality denim and casual apparel for Men and Women. The company was started in 1889 and its roots stem from making durable denim products. Innovation is also a Lee hallmark, as the company was first to introduce the zipper instead of a button fly. Lee was also first to create a jean designed especially for women. Today, innovation continues to be a leading force at Lee, as the company constantly uses the latest technologies to evolve great fitting and comfortable clothing. Lee currently offers exciting women’s products, such as the Natural Fit Collection, which utilizes front pocketing panels and no gap waistbands to instantly slim women. On the Men’s side, Lee has recently introduced the best fitting, most comfortable jeans that will become instant favorites. Lee products are available in , Mens, and Misses departments within national chains and department stores nationwide.
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