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Featured Benefits & Offers

This Featured Benefits & Offers area details certain benefits that are listed in other Benefit Sections and are considered to be of above average value to members.

The following Benefits & Special Offers are considered to be "Featured" and of special interest to our members and may include both, benefits offering great savings, value and popularity as well as Special Offers from new and/or existing benefits providers.

Pharmacy Discount Card Pharmacy Discount Card
Save up to 50% off on your next prescription medications from any of our 40,000+ participating providers, including major chain pharmacies. Everyone qualifies, no limit on usage and valid for the entire family. For more info click here.

Coleman Discount Camping & Outdoor Supplies
Save up to 40% off on your next purchase of camping and outdoor supplies and accessories, including one of the largest selections of products from Coleman, The Outdoor Company.

Diamond Comics Discount Comics, Cards & Collectibles
Start savings money on comic books, sports cards, collectibles, games and more with this valuable benefit that allows you to save up to 40% off 1,000s of popular brand name products from the leading provider in the industry, Diamond Comics.

Gift Cards 10% Off Major Merchant Gift Cards
Get 10% off in immediate savings when you shop for major merchant gift cards from your favorite regional and national merchants through this very popular and valuable shopping benefit.

Grocery Savings Booki $1,000 Grocery Savings Book
Save up to $1,000 or more when you shop at your favorite grocery store. No other similar program is as simple to use... you choose the major manufacturer grocery coupons that you want to print at home or have mailed directly to you.

Discounted Movie Tickets
Save money on the ultimate in entertainment, movie tickets to your favorite movie theater chains so that you will never have to pay full price again when going to the movies. Save even more money by enjoying your savings when purchasing movie tickets for friends and family!


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