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Moving and Packing Supplies Discounts & Savings Benefit Save money on your next order of moving and packing supplies… choose from a huge selection of over 10,000 items from major brand vendors. No minimum purchase requirement! Most products are carried in stock and include everything you could possibly want for your next move or for when shipping out gifts. Select the moving and packing items that you want from a selection of over 10,000 items from major brands that includes the largest selection of boxes, tape, packing suppplies, envelopes, bubble wrap and more... all a special member pricing of up to 30% off. This is an incredible benefit for everyone that needs moving and/or packing supplies… from the largest selection of boxes to hard to find warehouse equipment. $25 Moving & Packing Supplies Savings Certificate Upon redemption of this benefit, you will be sent a Moving & Packing Supply color catalog that features over 10,000 items… most available for immediate shipment. Redeem this benefit now and get your free color catalog, with easy to follow ordering instructions, sent directly to you. Pricing, color photos, product descriptions and special member pricing are all included. Moving And Packing |